7 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – June 18 2020”

    1. Thanks Jimmy. Somewhat disturbing that Drs. Birx and Fauci no longer speak at press conferences. They probably have either been silenced by the WH (president) or they have just given up on their own on providing daily updates. If people don’t know the CDC recommendations by now, they never will.

  1. Trump Administration attitude is everything fine when it comes to COVID19. If that is the case why we seeing big time spikes in Arizona, Texas, and Florida. In addition why is there talk Florida could be the next epicenter if everything is fine. Dr. Fauci when it comes to the NFL wants them to have a bubble city plan like NBA. I keep saying if that second wave comes I don’t know how there going to play the season.

  2. Just found out that a 76 year old friend from Beacon Hill passed away from Covid-19. Was physically fit, mentally sharp. Had his life cut short by Covid-19, probably by many years, as did so many who’ve died. Tthe average age of the deceased in Massachusetts is 81 (nationwide it’s 80), but that doesn’t mean that Covid-19 didn’t cut their lives short. The vast majority of people who died of Covid-19 weren’t about to keel over and die.

    And, since when did the U.S. become ageist? That was always something we (rightfully) criticized about Britain and Scandinavian countries that rationed care in an ageist way (discriminating against those older than 65).

    During the pandemic, I’ve tried hard to keep my composure, and offer as many positive thoughts as I can. I’ve also been really discouraged several times throughout this Covid-19 ordeal. And now is one of those times. A low point. My inability to travel to see my daughter in London – which has been extended pretty much indefinitely because we’ve failed to control the virus – isn’t exactly helping.

    Our caseload is now consistently above 25k every day (was 20k/day), with daily deaths between 700 and 900. Quite a number of states are seeing significant spikes. Yet, the president and others think everything is fine. They’re living in a dystopian world, disconnected from reality. Since when does the most affluent nation in the world simply accept a tremendous death toll and move on as if Covid-19 is unimportant. I don’t get it. I’m sad and mad at the same time.

    Lest people need to be reminded: Reopening the economy is fine, but it has to be done right, with comprehensive testing, isolation, and contact tracing systems in place, along with proper physical distancing and other social distancing protocols, rigorously enforced, and consistent across states. Otherwise, our economic recovery will show stunted growth. We’ll fall further behind the countries that are doing the appropriate measures. We’ll in effect be shunned by most of the rest of the world. Already are to a degree.

    1. Joshua. I truly have no words. My heart aches for you. For the family of your friend and of far too many. And in good part because of the ineptitude of our administration that somehow people still support. What in heavens name is wrong with us. I look at the numbers in what we call the greatest country on earth and my heart breaks.

      Please know you are loved.

  3. This was horrible response from leadership in Washington. I got to wonder if we imposed state at home orders sooner how many lives could have been saved. Now you look at one of the models showing 200,000 people dead from COVID 19 in this country. I hope there wrong about the second wave but we can’t look ahead to a potential second wave when were still dealing with the first wave in several states. Wearing a mask does help. I saw a graphic on CNN 17.4 chance to spread the virus without a mask down to 3.4 wearing a mask.

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