14 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – January 8 2021”

  1. I understand there are needs for certain students to attend in person and that should certainly be accommodated, but I do not understand this push for all students to be back. 2/3 of the towns in the state are now in the red and they just extended the restrictions. If you can’t have more than 10 people inside how can you have students in school? The virus is not immune to a school building and the precautions they are taking are not enough. Also you can’t control what people are doing outside. It is a recipe for disaster.

    1. That’s on the Governor he is absolutely not going to bend on school & Shame the he’ll on him . If he runs again he lost my vote & saying that I always liked him . Round 2 covid he has completely failed as a leader .

    2. I agree with you Scott. However, there is pressure from some parents that insist on in person learning as some kids (“special needs”) don’t do well remote and must be able to have human contact at school. There are also some students whose grades have literally plummeted since the pandemic began with remote only. In spite of today’s generation growing up in a computerized world, some kids just can’t handle remote learning.

    3. I agree also. The gov today said they will have testing in school now. But so far I’m hearing it is only for those who have symptoms. So they wait till folks get to school and then test. Just nuts. And the new strain from what I read affects kids

      Not sure I’d you Saw the letter some self serving individual put in the millbury Sutton chronicle. No signatures. Just that we the people of Sutton want bakers restrictions reversed. No one in the town seems to know anything about it so she apparently is self appointed

      And then the family or is it families now who refuse to help the school contact trace for their child who has covid so school had to completely shut down.

      People cannot be trusted. I am sorry but kids are not safer in school than they are in their own home.

  2. We’re a great nation, but at times woefully incompetent.

    The Pfizer/BioNTech was approved in Denmark two weeks AFTER it was approved in the U.S. Yet, ALL residents at elderly care homes in Denmark will have received their first dose of the vaccine by today.

    The entire country of Denmark will have gotten vaccine by June 27th.

    I do understand our country is much larger than Denmark. But, Massachusetts is about the same size. Rhode Island, NH, VT, and ME are much smaller. None of these states are even remotely close to getting all nursing home residents their 1st dose. That, my friends, is called INCOMPETENCE.

    Limited planning. No attention to detail. Haphazard, fragmented rollout in all these small states. This is where I am not hopeful about our beloved U.S. We don’t plan. We don’t pay attention to detail. And we mostly leave distribution to happenstance, to chance, to whims almost. Disgraceful.

    1. Our incompetence has surely come to light in many ways this week. But our handling of covid is revolting. I’m hoping Biden will make a difference.

      And that brings me to a question Joshua.

      Trump held back some doses. Now make sure you are sitting for my next comment. It made sense to me because he wanted enough left for the second dose. Biden says he plans to release all thinking there would be enough manufactured in time for the second dose. Your thoughts, Joshua, and all, would be appreciated

    2. Unfortunately I was unable to read your article Joshua due to the paywall but the last I heard, so far only 6M vaccine doses given out compared to the expected 20M. Not even half!!!

  3. Vicki, I think the Trump Administration’s plan to reserve doses isn’t crazy at all. But here’s the issue. So many of those first doses are not getting into people’s arms. They’re in storage facilities.

    Philip, the paywall issue continues to be a problem. I know. I spoke with the editors and they said that any coronavirus-related article would be free. Well, evidently not. I’ll write to them again about this.

    One state that I purposely left off the list of incompetents was Connecticut. Lamont is far from incompetent. His state is doing very well with the rollout. Rhode Island is doing okay, too, but not as well as Connecticut. https://coronavirus.medium.com/why-connecticut-is-winning-in-the-vaccination-rollout-a50dc12e5fa6

    1. Thanks Joshua. I didn’t intend for my comment to mean trumps plan was in Incompetent. To me it made more sense than Biden’s unless it would sit long enough in the warehouses to expire. I worried more about whether Biden may be wrong that enough new may be made to cover second doses that trump was holding them for

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