7 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – April 2 2021”

  1. Joshua I had some questions on the April 1 covid blog. I’m posting them below

    Joshua, I have a question. I believe the initial vaccine and booster are same dose. But why aren’t they giving a lesser dose for smaller adults?

    And is the dose for 12-15 yr old less?

    Thank you, sir

  2. India’s dramatic rise in cases and hospitalizations continues. Deaths are increasing, too, but not as steeply. The cases are concentrated in the state of Maharashtra. State authorities are taking action, imposing travel restrictions and even curfews in a few metropolitan areas.

    Brazil’s peak continues unabated. I had hoped to see case numbers go down. They have not. They’ve remained at a very high plateau for about 10 days. Hospitalizations, ICU usage, and deaths are all at record levels.

    France’s numbers are really bad. Every day the number of patients admitted to the ICU increased by between 100 and 150. The country has surpassed the peak of the 2nd wave, and is on its way to reaching the peak of the 1st wave. Notable difference is the age of ICU patients; 25 years younger, on average!

    Switzerland and Austria have been struggling too, but not as badly as France or Poland. Belgium and the Netherlands are seeing significant increases in hospitalizations and ICU usage.

    I’m seeing real-world evidence of the vaccination efforts as a countervailing force here in the U.S. Cases are rising, but it’s not a surge, that is, it’s not increasing like it did in the late fall. Hospitalizations are only increasing very slightly nationwide. Still, it’s hard to continue to see more than 1,000 people die on an almost daily basis.

    All in all, I would have thought that the virus would have burned itself out in some places by now, worldwide. That is clearly not the case. I was wrong again. Perhaps with this virus, because of the rapid and substantive mutations, herd immunity won’t be reached until a very high level of people have natural immunity and/or vaccinated: >90%. Remains to be seen.

  3. Vicki, I’m sorry but I cannot answer the questions you asked with anything definitive. The vaccines have been approved for adults 18 and older. I believe one of them has approval for people 16 and older. I do not think doses are adjusted according to size of the person. This segues into your question on dosing for children. I assume – based on other pediatric studies I’ve looked at – that the clinical trials do include dose adjustments for children.

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