10 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – June 16 2021”

  1. I’m mentally exhausted from reviewing the Covid-19 data, also because it has a direct impact on me and my family. The latest UK data is simply not good. More than 9,000 new cases today, with at least 75% of the country experiencing growth in cases, in some regions, exponential. Hospitalizations continue to increase as well. Deaths are still low, which is good, but we know that deaths are a lagging factor by several weeks. Time will tell whether a Delta variant ripple or wave will happen here in the U.S. in certain areas of the country. https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-uk-reports-9-055-new-cases-the-highest-daily-total-since-february-and-another-nine-deaths-12334084

  2. I thank you for the all of your research to help keep us up to date. I can only read in part but I do read. It is just difficult and I am not one to stick my head in the sand. This thing is a monster …it truly is

    1. It would be a crying shame if the U.S. had to go back to a 2020 lifestyle (outdoor masking, social distancing, lockdowns, supermarket shortages, etc.) after we have made so much good progress back to normal so far in 2021.

      1. Don’t worry, Philip, that won’t happen. Won’t even happen in the UK. The UK has delayed its final stage of reopening due to the Delta variant’s spread, so it’s maintaining some Covid rules, such as crowd limits, distancing and masks indoors, and international travel restrictions. But I wouldn’t call the current set of restrictions a true lockdown.

  3. The long plateau continues in the U.S. Basically, today’s stats haven’t changed much in 3 weeks. No discernible trend upward or downward:

    U.S. Covid update:

    – New cases: 14,013
    – 7-day average: 12,580 (-253)
    – Positivity rate: 2.1% (+0.1)
    – In hospital: 17,308 (+195)
    – In ICU: 4,250 (-91)
    – New deaths: 402

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