9 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – October 3 2021”

  1. It’s hard for me to interpret the data, as I am not an epidemiologist. But, one thing appears certain: Waning immunity from vaccines over time. There is of course a risk-benefit analysis that must be done prior to approval of a booster. I do see some risks (nothing is risk-free), but I see much less risk from a booster than benefit.

    Agree therefore with this quote from an Israeli health official. https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1444675844287303689/photo/1

    I fear that with waning immunity we’re going to see mini surges among vaccinated folks this winter in the U.S. I think boosters should be given to all over the age of 50, and perhaps even an age cutoff of 40. The Delta wave has killed a lot of people between 40 and 65.

  2. Thanks TK!

    One third of Americans get their news exclusively from Facebook which is loaded with misinformation on the vaccines.

    There was a segment on Facebook on CBS Sunday Morning which noted the misinformation it provides in general including regarding Covid-19 vaccines. Hard to believe it was created in 2004 which seems like ages ago now.

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