31 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – October 6 2021”

  1. This makes a religious exemption a bit more sticky

    No major religion has come out in opposition to the COVID-19 vaccines. Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christian Scientists, and the Catholic Church have all issued statements saying that their religion does not prohibit members from receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. The Pope has declared getting vaccinated “an act of love.”

    1. This is why religious exemptions should NOT be permitted, in my humble (admittedly secular) opinion.

      1. It’s dicey. I don’t know how much the first amendment plays into it. I do believe that there has to be an absolute history that a person affiliates with a religious belief in prayer over medicine. I know Christian Science has loosened its views on medical treatment to accommodate some of its congregation. But many follow the tenets of their religion.

        Honestly, though, the number of honest exceptions would small. What we are seeing now is a joke. I’m so sick of the lack of morality in this country.

          1. It is another example of caving to the people with the loudest voices who thrive on lies and misinformation

  2. As Vicki noted earlier in the post that included an Eric Topol tweet, Singapore is experiencing a surge, despite 83% of the population being fully vaccinated (mostly Moderna). Exponential growth in the past week. Today, Singapore reported a record 3,486 new Covid-19 cases, 9 deaths, 34 in ICU, and >240 in hospital. About 50% of the severe cases are fully vaccinated. Most of these cases are elderly or at-risk.

    Deaths, ICU usage, and hospitalizations are, of course, lagging. indicators The surge of cases just started, so we will see an increase in all three indicators in the coming days.

    The good news is that 98.3% of new cases thus far are mild or asymptomatic. Still, it’s disconcerting that such a highly vaccinated population experiences this level of surge, with 1.7% of new cases being moderate to severe.

  3. Covid-19 deaths in the U.S. in 2021 have already surpassed the deaths tallied in 2020.

    I hate the word game-changer, just like I can’t stand the word disruptive. They’re overused and often not even applicable.

    But, in this case – the new malaria vaccine – they’re definitely applicable. Malaria kills more than 450,000 every year. Treatments and mitigation efforts since 2000 have reduced the number of annual deaths from around 1 million to 450,000. The new vaccine should cut that number in half or more. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/06/health/malaria-vaccine-who.html

  4. More than 700 police officers nationwide have died from Covid-19 since March 2020. That is more than from criminal activity for the same period. In Philadelphia, only 13% of police officers have been vaccinated.

    I would be curious of other first responders (firefighters, EMT’s) vaccination rates.

    1. It is below national average. I know many are concerned with the safety of the vaccine as opposed to being anti vaxers. To me, we failed those folks with mixed messages.

    2. That is criminal! What is wrong with them?
      Did they all drink the tump Kook_aid, I mean Kool-Aid?????

      1. We have said here repeatedly that the message from our leaders and healthcare folks is conflicting. I think these folks deserve equal or greater credit

  5. I’ve lost track and hope someone can help

    Pfeizer has full approval I believe for two doses?
    Pfeizer had either emergency or full approval for a third vaccine after six months?

    Do Moderna and JJ have full approval or just emergency?
    Moderna and JJ are not yet approved for a third vaccine?

    12-18 has emergency approval for full/adult two doses?
    6-11 is awaiting emergency approval for a very low dose?

    I’m sure some of this is wrong and would appreciate any and all corrections

      1. I don’t know if all of that is accurate and finding info in a gazillion different places online. I may have missed a consolidated list but was wondering if anyone here knows more than I

          1. I don’t think moderna is approved yet. But not positive. I am waiting a while. The mixed messages have me nervous.

          2. Philip, my husband has had his third vaccine, with no side effects worth mentioning. He was very tired the next day but that was it–and whether that was due to the vaccine is debatable. We don’t sleep well these days. My son is an emergency room physician and he said that he thinks everyone should get the booster. He also said that he has not seen a single vaccinated person in the ER–everyone he sees is unvaccinated. My daughter is an anesthesiology resident in NYC (so she has seen more than my son, truth be told) and she is pro-booster. I’m hoping to get mine on Friday (I have some up-coming dental work, and I don’t want to muddy the waters.) I’ll let you know.

              1. No, not yet.

                They will be discussing J&J booster (2nd) “soon.”

                I believe that Pfizer is the only vaccine that has regular approval. Moderna did apply for it, as did J&J.

                Massachusetts is in a slow and painful burn: ~1,500 new cases today; 27 deaths. It’s a plateau of sorts, though it appears cases may be increasing somewhat again.

                1. Thanks. That is one of the things I listed above that I thought was the case but that I was not positive about. I have read moderna is holding its efficacy a bit longer. Not sure if that is what is causing the delay

  6. Pfizer’s 3rd is EUA only. But none of the others have EUA for 3rd shot (well, in J&J’s case, second shot).

    1. Thank you. I’m getting answers to above. There are way too many moving pieces and I’ve lost track of some

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