7 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – February 16 2022”

  1. Hong Kong is suffering its worse wave of coronavirus, thus far. Evidently, it’s mostly the BA.2 (Omicron sub-variant). https://twitter.com/AFP/status/1493764665822019587

    Here in the U.S. there’s a debate between epidemiologists on whether BA.2 will have a substantial impact or not. This is an empirical question that will be decided in the coming 2 to 4 weeks. It’s certainly had an immediate impact across Scandinavia. It also has had some impact in the Netherlands and France, and it has gained ground in the UK. But the increase in the UK has been muted thus far.

      1. Actually now might be better than in 2 weeks, Vicki. We’re at a lull now, which is good. If BA.2 ascends – which isn’t certain, but I believe it will – that wouldn’t be for another couple of weeks.

        Your very best bet is in, say, early April. I really do think cases will have tumbled by then, including BA.2, if it becomes a factor.

        1. I can’t get an appointment until two,weeks. Ugh ugh ugh

          Although with Feb vacation next week, I know tons of kids will be there

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