9 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – February 21 2022”

  1. Rainshine, you asked a good question about the future of the pandemic. I’m cautiously optimistic that by April we’ll be in a much better place. However, I do think that BA.2 – Omicron’s unruly sibling – will slow the decline of cases (already has in some locales, I suspect) and cause a ripple in March. But, I do not think a massive surge is coming. I just believe that March will still not be an easy month. Once BA.2 passes, I do think we’ll have `weathered’ the storm, so to speak.

  2. Joshua, do you believe that we will eventually close the books of this pandemic sometime this year? Will Covid-19 go into the books as an official two year pandemic (2020-2022)?

    1. Yes. It will have passed into an endemic phase. Perhaps not as early as April, but soon thereafter. I like to define endemic quantitatively as having <100 daily deaths nationwide and fewer than 10,000 daily confirmed cases. I do think we'll be there by late spring. Could we have a rebound in late fall? Sure, but it will likely be a muted wave.

      While I don't like to the looks of BA.2 and do think it'll prolong the epidemic for 4 to 6 weeks, I think that the coronavirus has run out of options. It can't get more transmissible than BA.2 (Omicron #2) and increased virulence doesn't help its cause.

      1. Thanks Joshua for your thoughts. Still waiting for masks to become “optional” on public transit, and grocery stores as well.

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