12 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – February 12 2022”

        1. You are very welcome 🙂 I had not followed it either. Thanks to Philips comment and it just happening to show up on Twitter AND being wide awake at 5:00 a,m….I had a chance to. I do want to verify some of the statements

  1. Thanks Vicki. It would seem the same “Liberal vs. Conservative” battle in Canada as well. I fear that those protests will invade much of the U.S. blocking more highways and bi-ways in the coming days, very soon. Hope that it doesn’t lead to even more empty shelves at our grocery stores.

    1. I’m afraid you are correct. It makes me angry that our last president, at least one Senator and a media source that is extreme right are sticking noses into it

  2. A few links. I like BBC and NPR. SClarke….interesting how there are indeed more trucks that the earlier link seemed to mention. But then we have seen how in this country that media is very clever in its use of photos. So who knows.

    I don’t like reading that the super bowl may be impacted.




  3. Belmont leaves mask mandate until March 7.

    I went to the seafood place in Hopkinton to pick up dinner and was pleased to see every person going into the store wore a mask. They have curbside so I got to people watch while I waited.

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