13 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – January 2 2021”

  1. Two Forbes articles. The first is on how Covid-19 will continue to impact the economy, our public health, and our healthcare system in 2021. There are some silver linings.

    The second is on Medicare Part B (physician-administered) prices of prescription drugs. These are injectables – often cancer and autoimmune disorder drugs. For now, a temporary court injunction has derailed the Trump
    Administration’s most-favored-nation demonstration project that would tie the prices of Medicare Part B (physician-administered) drugs to an international pricing index. Regardless of the Court’s assessment of the legality of the model, the issue of Medicare Part B (and D) prices will be revisited by the Biden Administration. https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshuacohen/2021/01/02/court-injunction-temporarily-upends-most-favored-nation-policy-to-lower-prices-of-medicare-part-b-drugs/

    1. Thanks Joshua. Good article as usual. I am particularly intrigued by the proposal for Medicare at age 60, which I recently turned back in November. Of course by the time it becomes reality, I will have likely already be 62+ lol. Perhaps 60 could also someday be a potential early retirement age as well?
      I would be curious as to why 62 was chosen when LBJ created it back in 1965.

  2. I also have a concern regarding the new Covid-19 strain. I understand that it won’t be resistant to the vaccines BUT…is it possible that it could be resistant to face masks and/or social distancing? I read that the new variant is 50-70% more contagious!

    1. Good question, Philip. It’s all a matter of degree. Masks, social distancing, hygiene, and crowd limits still help, even with the more transmissible variant. But, mitigation measures – with the exception of strict isolation – are less helpful for the new variant than the older variant.

      My concern is not with the new variant per se. Rather, I’m worried the coronavirus is mutating faster than expected and that the newer variants over time will be vaccine-resistant. This is why we’ve got to continue to curb the spread and mitigate for a while. The more cases we have the greater the chance that newer variants will arise that are vaccine-resistant.

      1. Joshua –

        I so value your articles and your input.

        I’m reading these comments with a sinking heart as I’ve been worried about this (mutation to a vaccine resistant strain) and I’m also incredibly worried about the long term fall out of the post covid syndrome(s) – I think we are forgetting that we still don’t have a clue what this thing might be capable of – in terms of damage to the nervous system, the cardio system, the organs and the immune system.

        We need a healthy amount of fear/respect for the fact that this virus may have many more tricks in store.

        1. Exactly. I’m one of those people that gets the flu vaccine every year but in the past 5…I’ve gotten the 7-14 day hit by a truck flu even as a resonantly healthy adult. So for me, I’m thinking even with a C19 vaccine, I will likely get at least a moderate version of it…or bad, but not bad enough to be hospitalized…which terrifies me (bad experience with chronically ill parents). So I’m pretty certain I will be wearing a mask, social distancing and filled with anxiety for at least the next 4-5 yrs…if I can hold on that long…good therapy and meds help.

    1. Thanks for posting.

      There’s a lot we don’t know about Covid-19. It has impact on the heart and neurological systems in some people.

      We don’t know, for example, why Representative Reese (42) died of a brain aneurysm today. But we do know he had Covid-19 a few weeks ago.

      Myocarditis and neurological conditions have been observed in many Covid-19 patients, including many with just mild symptoms.


      1. My son has a heart condition & we have heard covid can cause cardiac problems or worse & it’s why we & his cardiologist think he should not be in school . He is struggling so bad right now in school I’m worried , but I do not see him going back this year & I have no idea how he will end up doing & I sure hope he does not get held back

    1. Shit. Sorry to swear, but Larry King is very vulnerable to the worst Covid-19 outcome. I’m hoping for his speedy recovery.

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