10 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – July 12 2021”

  1. Most of my Forbes posts are on topics of my expertise that revolve around health economics. But, as you know, from time to time I also write about Covid-19. Here’s my latest, and it’s on GOP lawmakers Boebert and Greene actively undermining the Biden Administration’s vaccination outreach by likening it to Nazi tactics. https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshuacohen/2021/07/12/gop-representatives-actively-undermine-bidens-vaccination-outreach-likening-it-to-nazi-tactics/?sh=d6103226e508

    1. Thanks for sharing your article Joshua. I now have 3 “free” articles left.

      The CDC says boosters not necessary but Pfizer says they will be needed in a few months. Is this just a ploy for Pfizer to make more money? Hmmmm.

      1. There’s certainly a conflict of interest, if you will. This said, Pfizer doesn’t want to see waning immunity among the currently vaccinated. That would look bad. Some experts suggest this is what may be happening in Israel and other places, at least among a subset of vaccinated people. Pfizer has been careful not to suggest boosters for everyone at first, but to focus on the most vulnerable. This indicates to me that they’re reviewing the data and finding some waning immunity among the elderly and immunocompromised.

      2. Philip, you get 4 free articles per browser per device. So for me, that’s 3 devices each with 4 browsers (Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Opera) times 4 articles each per month. So lots…

    2. Does it strike anyone odd that trump and his puppets denigrate the vaccine when operation warp speed is about the only thing he did well.

  2. Ugh on Fauci on cnn tonight

    Cuomo challenged him by saying many Americans won’t get vaccine because it has not been fully approved by FDA even thought Fauci and others insist it is safe and proven

    You cannot argue that….especially with children

    Fauci said it is a misbelief that it has to be fully approved to be safe. He also said it has been proven that it is QUITE safe.


    49% said more likely to get vaccine if fully approved

    As an aside ….Also I’m hearing They want to put a warning in the JJ vaccine for neurological disorder ……that was something they tried to convince us it was very rare. But we need to trust we won’t be one of the few

  3. I just heard on Fox 25 News tonight that France is close to mandating the vaccine for EVERYONE!

    Viva La France! 🙂

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