35 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – July 16 2021”

  1. Here is my concern…
    For whatever reason, NOT enough persons are getting vaccinated. The delta virus has already too many break through cases and some with severe illness and even death. With the virus running rampant, it is inevitable that there WILL be a next variation. Will this be the one to render the vaccines totally ineffective? That’s my fear. Time will tell.

    1. not to mention, the virus will NEVER go away until we get all or most vaccinated and before the next variant. Not likely to happen.

  2. JPD. I don’t think anyone can disagree with you. The question is…how does that happen.

    We cannot get rid of Trump’s influence. And even if we could, our agencies have done a piss poor job of rolling this out. They are contradiction after contradiction. Even top experts dance around direct questions. The media…that loves to report the error of peoples’ ways…….buries negative reports.

    If there is a problem, such as JJ and now with children, the focus is on the fact it is rare. I am not sure how you look the parent of a child who died from the vaccine in the eye and tell him or her that. The 13 year old that is just being reported had his vaccine in June. News of his death didn’t surface till July 2ish. Investigation into the cause….that we all know the answer to…..has yet to be released.

    I absolutely believe masks and distancing are band aides and that vaccination is the only way we can move past this. I got the vaccine but didn’t and still don’t fully trust that it might not backfire. But even I can’t help but wonder what they are hiding. I sure cannot fault anyone who chooses not to vaccinate for fear of severe side effects….now or in the future.

  3. JPD, I echo your concerns. We allowed the virus back in the game, so to speak, even after he committed 6 fouls. I honestly don’t understand Governors, the President, or the CDC in terms of protocol and rule changes. In May, throughout the country, we went from going 20mph to 100mph. So, from lots of restrictions to none whatsoever. Didn’t make sense then. Certainly makes no sense now. If we had a much higher degree of vaccination I would have understood the moves. But we didn’t. Governor Baker, who I respect, literally declared an end to the pandemic in the middle of May. He’s smart. He’s got to know better. Gradualism is always a safer and better bet when it comes to policy regarding infectious diseases. We did not adopt that principle.

    1. Absolutely true. But if a person mentioned that it was too much too soon, he or she was thought of as just being an alarmist

      We truly are our own worst enemy.

      JPD. Love seeing you here. Your comments are great. I enjoyed seeing Tom here yesterday too. I’ve wondered about masks lowering immunity …..sanitizer too….for a while.

  4. Dr. Eric Topol just wrote:

    “Instead of achieving population-level (herd) immunity, whereby >70% vaccinated wind up protecting those without immunity, the very high contagiousness of Delta has flipped the model—”un-herd” immunity—the unvaccinated are infecting each other and the vaccinated.”

    I now think herd immunity is out the door, as is seasonality. This virus doesn’t play by the rules.

    1. Interesting. Thanks Joshua. I never thought we’d hit herd immunity. Like 1918, this may be around ….hopefully, in MUCH lesser forms….forever

  5. So, how do we get more people to have the vaccine.

    This is an interesting read. Note where he says, “ And so it will be essential to have leadership from the government, and in science, and in medicine, who demonstrates that the vaccine is safe and effective, and that we as a community all get vaccinated.”

    Has that shipped sailed, and how do we get it back to port?


  6. Some thoughts on break through infections:

    1. Plain and simply, the vaccines are not 100% effective, so some infections are going to occur.
    2. Persons being immune deficient for one reason or another and the vaccine is simply not as effective.
    3. Here is the kicker. What IF some of the break through cases are being caused by deficiencies in the vaccine distribution? What I mean by that is, did the vaccine lose potency because it was un refrigerated/under refrigerated for too long a period of time. Perhaps someone was unlucky enough to received one of the last vaccines of the day? The dry ice sublimated in the cooler and they disseminated the vaccine anyway? you name it. It is not/was not perfect.

    Just some thoughts

  7. Los Angeles County has reinstated its mask policy for all indoor spaces regardless of vaccine status.

    Back to the bad old days of 2020 I’m afraid. 🙁

  8. Here are my 2c on vaccinations:

    The federal government should totally bombard the airwaves with PSA’s on the extreme importance on getting a vaccine shot during EVERY commercial break (local/national) much like back in 2009 when the switch from analog to digital television occurred.

    We can’t let these anti-vaxxers continue to hide behind every “religion” excuse imo. The only “legitimate” religion that I know of as an exception “may” be the Christian Scientists.

    1. That would be a start.

      Contrary to other opinions here, I believe it should be mandated.
      Our lives depend on it. Not only from the virus, but everything from the food chain to the economy.

      It should be mandated like the small pox vaccine was. We couldn’t go to school without proof. Couldn’t be admitted to a college or university without proof.

      MANDATE the damn vaccine and shove it down people’s throats! (Jam it in their arms!)

      SCREW the anti-vaxers whether it be political ,religious, scientific or otherwise!

  9. Just got off the phone with my ex-wife in the Netherlands. Her niece got Covid in March of 2020, while she was living in New York City. She got pretty sick, but recovered. She now lives in Amsterdam. 3 weeks ago she got her first Pfizer shot and was due to get another this week. But she came down with Covid again and couldn’t get the 2nd shot. Quite ill, though she is recovering. She is in her 20s. In any case, this anecdotal story is being repeated tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of times or more worldwide. Reinfections are a problem, and they can also impact those who are partially vaccinated with an mRNA vaccine, and in some cases fully vaccinated folks. So not only a reinfection, but also a breakthrough.

  10. JPD …re mandate, I don’t think we can mandate a vaccine not fully approved. I absolutely do not think we can mandate one for children. It has barely been tested.

    My youngest just made a comment that makes sense to me.

    If they mandate for school, then there has to be a remote option. If the government wants kids in school to be vaccinated with something that is without doubt an unknown, then it has to provide an option for parents who are not yet willing to have their kids vaccinated

    It is truly as simple as that

    1. Well, for kids under 12, a vaccine won’t be ready until mid-winter at the earliest. That’s what I heard on the morning news anyway.

  11. Philip, I thought I’d posted this but obvious was side tracked.

    I believe Christian Science is ok with vaccines now. However, rhe teachings of Christian Science are legitimate beliefs. I’d be surprised if there were not other religions also.

    There are children and adults who cannot have vaccines because they cannot tolerate them. Mandating is a fine line. I cannot find anywhere that there was a mandate in 1918. Anyone?? But then that was a different virus type. I do believe there will be a mandate for the covid vaccine once it is better tested

  12. Starbucks staff were all wearing masks but removed them a couple of weeks ago. They are now wearing them again. I wonder if this is proactive or based on where parent company is located. I probably should know where that is but do not

    1. Unfortunately, I suspect there will be many more businesses requiring masks again for all their staff, if not customers as well if cases continue to rise.

  13. The FDA needs to stop “pussyfooting” around and fully approve of the 2-shot vaccines once and for all so that way there CAN be a mandate, if an official is willing to implement it. There is no legitimate reason for a perfectly healthy person not to get a vaccine!

    1. Was it Amy who posted an exceptional explanation of the process. I’ll see if I can find it Honestly, rushing would only create more hesitancy.

  14. I love the Christian Science Monitor. My parents used to get the daily newspaper. It was wonderful, with a lot of focus on international news. I subscribed to the weekly for many years.

    I’m aware of the Christian Scientists’ position on medicines and alcohol. It’s not a position I share. Yet, I respect it. I do believe they’re not as adamant about not taking vaccines, as Vicki alluded to. I know the Jehovah’s Witnesses changed their stance on vaccines formally in 1952.

    1. I absolutely agree re CSM. It is one of the least biased media sources in the world. I often turn to it although it’s subscription cost is sadly high for me now.

      You are right that Christian Science does not require that members avoid drs etc. it did not stop that practice as early as JW. To understand the reasoning that they do believe drs are not necessary, you have to also understand the belief. Although we always went to doctors and were vaccinated, I was raised in the CS religion. Its teachings remain the basis for my faith. I did explore many other religions as a teen, but found only two others (one Judaism) that resonated as much with me.

  15. Global deaths will likely climb over 9,000 today. Cases are marching back towards previous highs. Still a ways to go, but I wouldn’t bet against it.

    Soaring Delta numbers in the UK. Another milestone today with >50,000 cases for the first time since January. Hospitalizations are accelerating: >600 new admissions today.
    Birmingham hospitals are canceling all elective surgeries. Dozens of other NHS Trusts (hospital systems) are facing considerable pressure with filling beds and ICU, and may have to follow suit.

    Israeli Prime Minister Bennett said today: “Anyone who hoped that vaccines on their own would solve the problem — they won’t. Delta is surging all over the world; we are making sure we have the necessary vaccine stock, but vaccines alone are not enough.”

    You’ve heard this before from me and some others who tried to hammer home the message that it’s “vaccination AND mitigation,” not “vaccination alone.” But, here in the U.S. this perspective has been jettisoned by the Biden Administration and most governors. It’s going to bite them in the ass, so to speak. I have no qualms about saying that the Biden Administration has been awful in its pandemic response in the past 7 weeks. I don’t mince words. Biden’s message on July 4th – “virus is on the run” … “we’re independent from the virus” will go down as one of the most ignorant messages ever uttered from a President. It’s right up there with Trump’s “like magic, the virus will disappear.”

    1. Some also compare it to Bush’s comment on the bow of the ship after his shock and awe. Poor wording on my part. Sorry. Far worse on Biden’s part.

      We will ALL be bitten in the ass by their stupidity. Where the heck is baker?

      How do our experts NOT see this and react. What is controlling their response?

  16. Red Sox Yankees will play tonight. Six players
    for the Yankees including Aaron judge tested positive for covid.

  17. Headed for more than 40,000 cases today nationwide, with 40% LESS testing than in May. Hospitalizations, ICU usage, and deaths are all rising nationwide. This could turn out to be a bigger wave than the B.1.1.7/Alpha wave/ripple in March and April. This I did NOT expect, certainly not this soon. Even I thought there would be seasonality. B.1.617.2/Delta just doesn’t respect the `rules.’

    Governor Baker exhorts people to be “cautious,” attributing the increase in cases to July 4th weekend. I wish he had told people to remain vigilant back in May and that the pandemic was not over then and it’s not over now.

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