25 thoughts on “C-19 Chat Post – September 21 2021”

    1. Interesting and even more so when the photo associated
      with the post shows Moderna and not J&J. hmmm
      Just pointing out the obvioud. Why the bleep isn’t a J&J vaccine
      depicted in the photo. Doesn’t make sense to me. 🙂 🙂 🙂

      1. Nothing makes sense to me any more. Am I correct that all of the manufacturers are testing their own vaccines. Or is there a lot of oversight?

          1. No. On Netflix? Woodward’s new book arrived in my audible app this am. That may be enough to scare me for a long time

            1. It is on Amazon Prime. It is intense and it is about life In America had Germany and Japan won World War II. It follows the resistance, at least through episode 10. FRIGHTENING!
              PISSES ME OFF, because this is TRUMP and much
              of the current republican party (not all, but too much)

  1. Saw this a while ago. It is beyond belief IMO.

    Indeed ………what number of kids do you feel is acceptable, Dr Doran?


    High numbers aren’t necessarily a cause for alarm
    “We don’t need the numbers to be as low in September as they were in May to prevent morbidity and mortality, which is ultimately what we want to prevent,” Doron said.

    Because older students and all staff members have had the opportunity to get vaccinated, schools can tolerate a larger amount of risk without putting children in harm’s way, Doron said.

    “Is the goal to prevent all person-to-person transmission in school? I don’t think it’s possible this year, and I don’t think it needs to be,” Doron said, but added it’s important for governmental bodies to define what the goal should be.

    “What number do we want to see?”

  2. An excerpt from an article in the Washington Post: “Breakthrough cases in the fully vaccinated accounted for 14% of hospitalizations and 16% of deaths in June and July, about twice the percentage as earlier in the year.” Here’s the article – https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/cdc-finds-unvaccinated-11-times-more-likely-to-die-of-covid/2021/09/10/451a44f0-127f-11ec-baca-86b144fc8a2d_story.html

    Headed north to see my niece play soccer. No rain or snow in the forecast, so the game should be played and I shouldn’t have trouble getting there. I’ll be off the internet until late this evening.

    1. Good grief. Have our health professionals been openly giving us these numbers?

      Enjoy the game and your trip, Joshua !

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